Robin Chhabra is embarking on a significant transition within the online gaming industry. He’s departing from his role as Director of Strategy and Corporate Development at William Hill to assume the newly established position of Chief Corporate Development Officer at Aspire Global.
Chhabra will serve as a crucial member of the Aspire Global team, reporting directly to CEO Rafi Ashkenazi. His responsibilities will encompass all facets of the company’s corporate development, drawing upon his extensive 12-year background in finance, consulting, and auditing. His familiarity with the gaming sector is notable, having previously held the position of Corporate Development Director at Inspired Gaming Group in 2006.
Ashkenazi expressed enthusiasm about this addition to his team, commending Chhabra’s expertise and network. He views Chhabra as an invaluable resource in advancing Aspire Global’s strategic objectives and identifying new avenues for expansion.
Chhabra, in turn, conveyed his eagerness to commence this new chapter. He articulated his respect for Aspire Global’s leadership and his enthusiasm for playing a role in the company’s continued achievements.
Following a brief hiatus from William Hill, Chhabra is anticipated to formally join Aspire Global in September 2017.